Meet a few of our fellow DarkSky International Chapters…

DarkSky International has advocates, delegates and chapters all over the globe. Some are brand new like DarkSky NOVA and some have been around for years working to preserve and to protect our dark night skies like DarkSky Texas. From California to Chicago to Montana and beyond, DarkSky advocates have been working tirelessly to raise awareness about light pollution and to educate everyone about its harmful effects in every part of our lives.

Take a minute to see what a couple of our other chapters and affiliates are doing. They have been busy and doing an amazing job saving the night! Each website is full of information and cool stuff!

Thank you fellow DarkSky chapters and affiliates!

DarkSky Texas

DarkSky Chicago

DarkSky LA County

DarkSky Montana

Starry Skies North

Starry Skies South

Arkansas Natural Sky Association

DarkSky Virginia

DarkSky Colorado

DarkSky Utah

DarkSky Massachusetts

DarkSky UK

DarkSky Tennessee

Nantucket Lights

Flagstaff Dark Skies Coalition

DarkSky UK

DarkSky Oregon

DarkSky New Jersey

and more…

click here to find all of the chapters across the United States and across the globe!


What too much artificial light steals from our night skies